So When Will You Be Cleared To Make That Tour To Europe

Currently, due to pandemic, millions of people with utmost caution and patience are waiting for a process which will relieve lockdown. COVID-19 restrictions have started in each and every country, even in Europe. The pace of travel is slowed down but hopefully it will gain momentum in upcoming months. Some countries across continent has reports with further decline in new COVID-19 cases. On one hand, government is lifting some common prohibitions and on other schools are starting to reopen (partially). Also, in many places some shops and public are have given permission to reopen. Countries like Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Iceland and Czech Republic who faced first wave of virus are easing their restrictions. In other words, the government is allowing partial return to work and taking other measure to stabilise economic conditions. Although everyone understands risk of opening too quickly, as it can lead to rise in rate-of-infec...